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In Allen County, from the State of Kansas Appraiser's Office, you can find property records.
Look for Allen County, Kansas property records. You can use the GIS map and zoom in and identify the parcel or the property details. Click the GIS map link and use the login details provided.
In Allen County, from the State of Kansas, you can do a property tax search. Search for real estate, any personal property, oil, gas, the trucks, or any minerals.
In Atchison County, from the State of Kansas, you can find a property tax database.
You can do a Level I search to find property tax records from Bourbon County in Kansas. Browse with their name, and the tax ID and the property address. You can also do a more detailed search, which is (Level II), and is available only by registration.
Browse Brown County, from the State of Kansas Appraiser's property records. Search with their name, their parcel id, the appraised amount, their address, and also the year it was built. You can do a more detailed search with registration.
In Brown County, you can find theState of Kansas property records. A GIS map can zoom in and identify the parcel, and the property's details.
Look through Butler County, and use the State of Kansas Appraiser's offic, to find property information or real estate market values. Search by their name, CAMA number, the appraised value, and the street address.
You can use the Butler County's, State of Kansas service, and look for property and real eastate. you can also find personal, oil, gas, mineral, gas, or also truck property tax information. Find with the CAMA number, an owner, the Tax ID, their name, the address, subdivision, and the section or township.
Select the binoculars on the left and browse Butler County, in the State of Kansas. Use this service to find property information, parcel, or CAMA information. You can also look at interactive GIS maps.
Browse Clark County, to find the State of Kansas Appraiser's property records. Search for with their name, and you can do an advanced search with their name, address, the parcel number, the appraisal value, or the city and township.
You can use the service in Clay County, from the State of Kansas Assessor's offfice. Search for property assessment information from Clay County with the city or the townships.
Browse Cloud County, from the State of Kansas Appraiser's and the Treasurer's property database. Search with the owner's name, their address, the style, the appraised amount, number of bedrooms and bathrooms they have, the year it was built, the range, the property description, if it has a basement, property class, the PIN and the type.
Browse Cloud County, to find State of Kansas property tax records with their name, tax id, address and year.
You can use the Coffey County, State of Kansas Appraiser's service, and browse for property information. Look with the owner's name, their address, description, and the parcel number. Property sales searches are also available.
You can use the Coffey County, State of Kansas service, and find property or property tax information. Search by their name, the tax ID, the tax year, or their address.
You can use the Cowley County, State of Kansas Appraiser's service, and look for property information. You can find with the owner's name, the address, the description, and the parcel number. Other property sales searches are also available.
You can use the Cowley County, State of Kansas service, and find property or property tax information. Find by their name, the tax ID, the tax year, and an address.
You can find property records, which is provided from the Crawford County Appraiser's office.
Browse for property information from Dickinson County, in the State of Kansas. Search with the parcel ID number, the owner's name, and the address.
Look for property tax records in Dickinson County, from the State of Kansas. Search with their name, the tax id, and the address.
Browse for property by going through the Douglas County, State of Kansas Assessor's office. Find by the parcel ID, plate, the address, and the owner's name.
In Ellis County, from the State of Kansas, you can look for property using the Appraiser's property database.
Browse Ellis County, from the State of Kansas. You can search the Treasurer's property database with the owner or taxpayer, a legal description, the address, the parcel number, and the tract description.
Look for Finney County, State of Kansas property records. Search with their name, the parcel number, the appraised amount, the year property was built, and the address.
Select "Property Maps" and use the Finney County in Garden City, from the State of Kansas service. Find property information with the address, the owner's name, and the parcel ID. You can also look at interactive GIS maps.
Browse Ford County, to find State of Kansas property records. Search for with their name, the address, the year it was built, the appraised amount, and also the parcel id.
Browse Ford County, in the State of Kansas to locate property tax records. Browse by their name, the tax number, and the address.
Browse Geary County, in the State of Kansas, to use the Appraiser's and Treasurer's property database. Seasrch by the owner, the address, the appraised amount, the property description, property class, a PIN and type. Select "Appraiser" then "Parcel Search" from the left side of the menu.
In Grant County, from the State of Kansas, you can use the property tax roll database.
Browse Harvey County, to find the State of Kansas property records. Find with their name, the address, a parcel id, it's appraised amount, the year it was built, and the description.
Browse Jackson County, to find State of Kansas property records. Find by their name, the address, a parcel id, the appraised amount, the year built, and the description.
Browse Jackson County, to find State of Kansas property tax records. Look for by their name, the tax id, and the address.
Search the Jefferson County, State of Kansas Appraiser records for property information by PID or address.
Jefferson County, State of Kansas property records, parcel information, and parcel mapping.
Search Jefferson County, State of Kansas property records by PID number or address. Register of Deeds
Jefferson County, Kansas property and property tax database.
Search Jefferson County, Kansas property tax records by name, tax ID, or address.
Search the Johnson County, State of Kansas Treasurer's real estate property database by address or parcel ID or personal property database by property or bill number.
Click on "Online Mapping" to use this Johnson County, State of Kansas service to search for property information by address, parcel id, or map number, and view interactive GIS maps.
Search these Johnson County, State of Kansas property assessor records for property information by address or parcel ID.
Provided by: Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office. Search State of Kansas land patent records (transfer of public lands to private ownership) by name. Provides document summary, legal description, and document image.
Search the Leavenworth County, State of Kansas Appraiser's and Treasurer's property database by owner, address, appraised amount, property description, property class, PIN or type.
Search Linn County, State of Kansas property records by name, address, parcel id, appraised amount or property description.
Search the Lyon County, State of Kansas property database & view GIS maps.
Search for Marion County, State of Kansas property and property sales information.
Search for Marion County, State of Kansas property and property tax information by name, tax id, tax year, or address.
Search the Marshall County, State of Kansas Appraiser's and Treasurer's property database by owner, address, style, appraised amount, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, year built range, PIN, etc.
Search the McPherson County, State of Kansas property appraisal database by owner name, address or parcel number.
Search the McPherson County, State of Kansas Geographical Information System (GIS) by interactive map, owner name, legal description, situs or section/township/range.
Search the Meade County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, parcel id, appraised amount or property description.
Search the Meade County, State of Kansas property tax records by name, address, or tax id.
Search the Mitchell County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, appraised value, parcel id, year built or description.
Search the Mitchell County, State of Kansas property tax records by name, address, or tax id.
Search the Nemaha County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, or year built.
Use this City of Olathe, State of Kansas service to search for property information by address or intersection and view interactive GIS maps.
Search the Osage County, State of Kansas Appraiser and Treasurer property database.
Search Osage County, State of Kansas property tax records by name, tax id, tax year, or address.
Search the Osborne County, State of Kansas Appraisal Database for property records and property sales information.
Search the assessors database of Ottawa County, State of Kansas by parcel number, owner name, street address, value range or legal description to view corresponding information.
Search for the Overland Park, State of Kansas parcel information by address or parcel number.
Search the Pawnee County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, appraised amount, property description, or parcel id.
Pottawatomie County, State of Kansas Appraiser's County parcel database. Search for property information by name, address, class, descriptions, parcel ID, or appraised amount.
Search the Pottawatomie County, State of Kansas Treasurer's 2009 property tax records by name, street name, parcel number.
Use this Reno County, State of Kansas Appraiser's Office service to search for property and property sales information.
Search the Republic County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, appraised amount, property description, parcel id, year built or number of rooms.
Search the Republic County, State of Kansas property tax records by name and year.
Use this Riley County, State of Kansas service to search for property information by address, owner name, or parcel ID and view interactive GIS maps.
Search the Riley County, State of Kansas Appraiser's records for property information.
Search Riley County, State of Kansas records by name or address for property and property tax information.
Search the Russell County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records.
Use this Geographic Information System from Russell County, State of Kansas to locate parcel information and view interactive maps.
Search the Saline County, State of Kansas property parcel search database.
Use this Geographic Information System from Saline County, State of Kansas to locate parcel information and view interactive maps.
Search the Saline County, State of Kansas property tax records.
Search the Scott County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, appraised amount, property description, property class, or parcel id.
Search the Sedgwick County, State of Kansas Appraiser records for property information by address range, specific address, parcel identification number, or key number.
State of Kansas certified/licensed appraisers or property owners may search the Sedgwick County, State of Kansas Appraiser records for property sales information.
Search for commercial property information through the Assessors office in Shawnee County, State of Kansas by address, parcel ID, or owner name.
Search for Residential property information in Shawnee County, State of Kansas by address, parcel ID, owner name, or sub division.
Search the Sumner County, State of Kansas Appraiser and Treasurer property database for property records.
Search for Sumner County, State of Kansas property information by name, legal description, address, parcel ID number, or use the interactive GIS map service.
Search for Sumner County, State of Kansas property parcel and property tax information by parcel map.
Search for Sumner County, State of Kansas property tax information by name, tax ID, tax year, or address.
Search Thomas County, State of Kansas property tax records by tax ID, name, or address.
Search the Wabaunsee County, State of Kansas Appraiser's and Treasurer's property database by owner, address, appraised amount, property description, property class, PIN or type.
Use this service from Wabaunsee County, State of Kansas to search property tax records by name and/or tax year or address.
Search the Woodson County, State of Kansas Appraiser's property records by name, address, appraised amount, property description, or parcel id.
Search the Wyandotte County, State of Kansas property appraiser's database by parcel number or address to view corresponding info, exterior photo, legal description, assessment, appraisal and other details.
Search the Wynadotte County, State of Kansas real property tax database by address to view corresponding info, parcel/item # and tax info.
Use this Wyandotte County, State of Kansas service to search for property information by parcel Id, address or intersection and view interactive GIS maps.
Search for Wyandotte County, State of Kansas property appraisal records by address or parcel number.